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The Design Specifications Subcommittee has developed structural details and design considerations for the superstructure and substructure of concrete bridges. The result was published in Nov. 2002 as the “Guideline for the design and construction of concrete road bridges in Hokkaido.”

Following the revision of the specifications for highway bridges in 2012, improvements to maintenance design were adopted, such as ease of inspection and repair. In addition, it was considered that high durability for achieving long service life of the structure in the future should become more important. To meet these new requirements for bridge design, the Design Specifications Subcommittee is conducting activities to unify a response policy, such as how to reflect and organize the concept of high durability in the structural details and design considering the regional characteristics of Hokkaido.

Subcommittee chairman  KANDA Taro【Affiliation:Hokkaido Regional Development Bureau】