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Roadway Structures

Dainijyomon PC snow shelter

Photograph source: Nippon High strength Concrete Co.,Ltd

Structure name Dainijyomon PC snow shelter
Structure type Precast concrete snow shelter with Three-hinged arch
Structural factors Span length 11.25~12.25m、Design snow depth 1.70m、Construction extension 4717.5m
Client Asahikawa Deparement of Public Works Management, Kamikawa General Subprefectura,Hokkaido Government
Designer Docon Co.,Ltd.
Contractor ①Joint-venture group  HASHIMOTO KAWASHIMA CORPORATION.Co.,Ltd ・ Itogumi Construction Co.,Ltd・ Nippon High strength Concrete Co.,Ltd
②Joint-venture group  MORINAGA.Co.,Ltd ・Nippon High strength Concrete Co.,Ltd・Hokuei Construction Co.,Ltd

Shibetu city

Route name Sibetsu-Takinoue line, General Prefectural Road
Completion date 2006