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The Concrete Disaster Prevention Facilities Subcommittee published the “PC Road Disaster Prevention Structures Manual” in 2001, and also carried out follow-up activities. It is currently inactive.

Subcommittee chairman  SUGANO Keiichi【Affiliation:Hokkaido Regional Development Bureau】


The Concrete Maintenance Management Subcommittee conducts activities as a permanent subcommittee from 2006, aiming to ensure the long-lasting and efficient maintenance of concrete structures in Hokkaido, to improve inspection and diagnosis considering regional characteristics and repairing and strengthening technology development, and to enhance the skills and technical know-how of engineers who are engaged these activities.

Subcommittee chairman  KAWASAKI Takumi【Affiliation:Hokkaido Regional Development Bureau】


Planning Committee makes plan for new activities and revising activities in order to vitalize Concrete Research Committee.   After approval by Executive Committee, the plan will be executed in Concrete Research Committee.

Subcommittee chairman  SUGIYAMA Takafumi【Affiliation:Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University】


The Design Specifications Subcommittee has developed structural details and design considerations for the superstructure and substructure of concrete bridges. The result was published in Nov. 2002 as the “Guideline for the design and construction of concrete road bridges in Hokkaido.”

Following the revision of the specifications for highway bridges in 2012, improvements to maintenance design were adopted, such as ease of inspection and repair. In addition, it was considered that high durability for achieving long service life of the structure in the future should become more important. To meet these new requirements for bridge design, the Design Specifications Subcommittee is conducting activities to unify a response policy, such as how to reflect and organize the concept of high durability in the structural details and design considering the regional characteristics of Hokkaido.

Subcommittee chairman  KANDA Taro【Affiliation:Hokkaido Regional Development Bureau】


 The Technical Support Subcommittee was established in 2010 to provide technical support related to concrete when the Hokkaido Regional Development Bureau requests assistance from the Association for Civil Engineering Technology of Hokkaido in cases of defects.

Subcommittee chairman  UMEKI Hiroya【Affiliation:Docon Co.,Ltd.】


The Education on technology for Concrete Subcommittee focuses on the education of people studying and working with concrete. With the assistance of university staff in Hokkaido, the subcommittee arranges seminars about concrete and prestressed concrete bridges and advanced concrete technologies for high school and university students.

Subcommittee chairman  NAKATA Yasuhiro【Affiliation:Docon Co.,Ltd.】


 The Concrete Bridges Subcommittee published “Concrete Bridges in Hokkaido,” a collection of pictures of concrete bridges in Hokkaido. “Concrete Bridges in Hokkaido” Vol. 1 was published in Dec. 1974, followed by Vol. 2 in Aug. 1987, Vol. 3 in Nov. 1993, Vol. 4 in Nov. 1999, and Vol. 5 in Dec. 2007. In 2015, the collection of concrete bridges used from 2004 to 2009 was published as Vol. 6.

Subcommittee chairman  KANDA Taro【Affiliation:Hokkaido Regional Development Bureau】


 The Technology Information Subcommittee carries out exchange of concrete engineering information and technology through the organization of field trips to concrete-related construction sites and lectures on concrete construction, and also arranges an exhibition for the Civil Engineering Day held by the Association for Civil Engineering Technology of Hokkaido. This subcommittee also disseminates information about concrete and research results from each subcommittee.

Subcommitteechairman  MAEDA Junnari【Affiliation:Hokkaido Government】


The Internet Subcommittee opened a website to disseminate the activities of the Concrete Research Committee to engineers and the general public, such as the research findings and reports by other Subcommittees, the introduction of lectures, tours of various events, the publishing of books, as well as representative concrete structures in Hokkaido. The subcommittee continues to manage the website, including changing the design to make the website a clearer and easier to use.

Subcommittee chairman  MATSUMOTO Koji【Affiliation:Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University】


The purpose of this subcommittee’s activities is to contribute to the development of civil engineering in Japan by assisting colleges and universities in Hokkaido with international exchange. Each year the subcommittee prepares a budget and solicits applications to assist students, whose supervisor belongs to the Association, with overseas travel.

Subcommittee chairman  JURAKU Kazuya【Affiliation:Docon Co.,Ltd.】


For the purpose of reducing environmental impact, the admixture of industrial by-products has been utilized as concrete material. As the major material, blast furnace slag and fly ash have been already normalized by the JIS A 6206 and JIS A 6201, respectively. It is known that these materials can enhance the workability of the concrete and the durability of the structures. Even in snowy cold region like Hokkaido, blast furnace slag cement has been used for bridges, retaining walls, concrete blocks and so on. Fly ash has been largely employed for dam concrete.

However, the current situation is not reached until the aggressive and positive utilization. Given the social significance, there is a need to improve this situation to establish low-carbon society. Recently, we begin to solve this problem by explaining the mechanisms and technical solutions involved for the advantage of the utilization.

In this research committee, we have carried out activities for the purpose of studying the cold region technology to contribute to the effective and positive use for the industrial by-products.

Subcommittee chairman  SUGIYAMA Takahumi 【Affiliation:Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University】